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利用2015年8月至2016年7月在印度河上游流域Bagrot山谷降水稳定同位素(δ18O和δD)观测结果以及当地气象资料,利用同位素示踪及统计分析方法,并结合HYSPLIT模型,对研究区降水稳定同位素变化特征、大气水线以及水汽来源进行了分析。结果表明,观测期间Bagrot山谷降水稳定同位素的季节变化明显,δ18O与δD秋冬季偏低,春夏季偏高,且与气温变化一致,存在显著的温度效应,而降水量效应不明显。而且发现,研究区局地大气水线截距和斜率均低于全球的,反映了降水过程中云下二次蒸发作用较为强烈,特别是,不同的降水形态导致该研究区局地大气水线的斜率和截距不同。当液态降水(降雨)发生时,由于在较为干旱的气候环境下,雨滴在降落的过程中受到二次蒸发相对较强,使得局地大气水线的斜率和截距偏低;而当固态降水(降雪)发生时,由于温度较低,受再循环水汽和二次蒸发的影响较小,导致局地大气水线的斜率和截距均偏高。Bagrot山谷及其周边地区,从南到北局地大气水线的斜率相差不大,而其截距总体上随着纬度升高而降低,可能与云下二次蒸发导致稳定同位素发生的不平衡分馏逐渐强烈有关。通过Bagrot山谷站点降水稳定同位素观测结果并结合HYSPLIT模型的后向追踪,研究还发现,研究区全年主要受西风环流以及局地环流的影响。但与研究区以北的临近站点(慕士塔格、和田等)相比有所不同,由于Bagrot山谷位置更靠南,其仍然偶尔受到来自南方的海洋性水汽影响。这一研究结果可能对该地区树轮稳定同位素记录的解译具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Shallow and deep seated landslides in natural slopes are often induced by rainfall. The cause of the failure is usually considered to be due to the...  相似文献   
In this study, a new method for conversion of solid finite element solution to beam finite element solution is developed based on the meta-modeling theory which constructs a model consistent with continuum mechanics. The proposed method is rigorous and efficient compared to a typical conversion method which merely computes surface integration of solid element nodal stresses to obtain cross-sectional forces. The meta-modeling theory ensures the rigorousness of proposed method by defining a proper distance between beam element and solid element solutions in a function space of continuum mechanics. Results of numerical verification test that is conducted with a simple cantilever beam are used to find the proper distance function for this conversion. Time history analysis of the main tunnel structure of a real ramp tunnel is considered as a numerical example for the proposed conversion method. It is shown that cross-sectional forces are readily computed for solid element solution of the main tunnel structure when it is converted to a beam element solution using the proposed method. Further, envelopes of resultant forces which are of primary importance for the purpose of design, are developed for a given ground motion at the end.  相似文献   
We report on the short timescale intensity fluctuations of PSR B1133+16 and PSR B1237+25 due to scintillation at 1.54 GHz. The structure functions of intensity fluctuations are constructed and the linear fittings are applied to the structure regime in log–log plots to get the slope values. The slope of the SFs for PSR B1237+25 are less than that of PSR B1133+16, and both of them are much less than 2. For PSR B1133+16, the slope values agree very well with a Kolmogorov spectrum predicted value 5/3, whereas PSR B1237+25 not. We investigate the dynamic spectrum and obtain its auto-correlation function (ACF). Scintillation parameters are obtained by fitting to the autocorrelation function of the dynamic spectrum. The observed diffractive interstellar scintillation (DISS) timescales agree well with the observations and are consistent with some expected values, but the observed de-correlation frequency bandwidths are much less than predicted ones. The expected refractive interstellar scintillation (RISS) timescales are also estimated by using our derived diffractive scintillation parameters. They are consistent with the timescales of slow pulse intensity fluctuations. We proposed that the short timescale of pulse intensity variations caused by the DISS are modulated by the slow variations due to the effects of RISS.  相似文献   
Summary Analytical transmission electron microscopy has been used to investigate two zincian dolomites occurring as overgrowths on calcite from the oxidized zone of the ore bodies at Broken Hill, New South Wales. Particular attention has been focussed on the nature of the microstructures, and any correlations between microstructure and local composition, especially zinc content. The possible occurrence of tiny amounts of the zinc dolomite, minrecordite, has also been explored.The most notable features in the zincian dolomite are fine-scale distributions of ribbonlike calcitic second phase, growth bands, and modulated microstructures (strong modulations in diffraction contrast). Their occurrence is correlated with calcium in excess of stoichiometric requirements, but is not directly influenced by zinc content. The associated calcites are low in zinc, but they also exhibit carbonate second phase, which is thought to be dolomitic although giving no detectable order (b-type) reflections. Long-exposure electron diffraction patterns, however, revealed the presence of diffuse c-type superstructure reflections, which are thought to arise from smaller volumes in which Ca and Mg cations are ordered, for which a model is proposed.
Zusammensetzungsabhängige Mikrogefüge in Zn-haltigen Karbonat-Vergesellschaftungen von Broken Hill, New South Wales
Zusammenfassung Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie wurde benutzt um zwei Zn-haltige Dolomite zu untersuchen, die als Überzüge von Calcit aus der Oxidationszone der Erzkörper von Broken Hill, New South Wales, auftraten. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde der Art der Mikrogefüge und möglichen Korrelationen zwischen Mikrogefüge und der lokalen Zusammensetzung, vor allem dem Zn-Gehalt, gewidmet. Dem möglichen Auftreten von geringen Mengen des Zn-Dolomit, Minrecordit, wurde ebenfalls nachgegangen.Die bemerkenswertesten Erscheinungen im Zn-haltigen Dolomit sind feine bandartige Verteilung einer calcitischen Phase, Wachstumsbänder und modulierte Strukturen (starke Modulationen im Beugungskontrast sichtbar). Ihr Auftreten ist mit über das stöchiometrische Verhältnis hinaus vorhandenem Ca korreliert; es ist aber vom Zn-Gehalt nicht direkt beeinflußt. Die mitvergesellschafteten Calcite haben einen niedrigen Zn-Gehalt, zeigen aber eine weitere Karbonatphase. Diese wird für dolomitsch gehalten, obwohl keine entsprechenden Ordnungsreflexe (b-Reflexè) nachweisbar waren. Sehr lange belichtete Elektronenbeugungs-Aufnahmen zeigen jedoch diffuse c-Typ-Über-struktur-Reflexe. Diese sind wahrscheinlich auf kleine Bereiche beschränkt, in dener die Ca und Mg Kationen geordnet sind, wofür ein Modell vorgeschlagen wird.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
作为一种经常大于鲕粒的包覆颗粒类型,核形石以其不平滑的圈层被解释为微生物成因,区别于成因存在较大争议的鲕粒,而且常与鲕粒和其他类型的碳酸盐颗粒相互共生;作为一种在围绕着生物碎屑和非生物碎屑核心的序列式纹层化作用过程中形成的球形或假球型生物沉积构造,核形石还常常单独产出和分布,所以又被解释为微生物碳酸盐岩,或者被归为球状叠层石。在辽东半岛寒武系第二统碱厂组和馒头组之中,厘米级别大小的核形石密集发育在三级层序的顶部,成为一种时间特化的相。另外,以下重要特征将辽东半岛寒武系第二统的核形石特征化,包括:(1)与凝块和微凝块共生;(2)多为球状和椭球状;(3)由不均一的非纹层状致密泥晶和微亮晶构成;(4)核形石皮层以及核形石间凝块中发育特别的蓝细菌鞘钙化化石等。尽管穿越成岩作用过滤器去解释古代核形石复杂的形成机理存在着巨大的挑战,也尽管形成这些核形石的复杂生物膜钙化作用细节需要更加深入地研究才能得到更好地了解,但是,辽东半岛第二统碱厂组和馒头组核形石中直接的微生物化石证据,尤其是核形石内较为丰富的钙化蓝细菌鞘化石,使其成为一个了解光合作用生物膜建造核形石的典型实例。  相似文献   
Water quality and hydrochemistry of Shariatpur district were evaluated in terms of hydrochemical composition and some important physico-chemical parameters. The groundwater of the study area is good for drinking, domestic as well as for irrigation purposes. Among the major ions, shallow tube well waters give higher concentration of Ca2+ which ranges from 24 to 260 mg/L. The deep tubewell waters show higher concentration of Na+ which varies from 74 to 582 mg/L during dry season. Among the trace elements most of the shallow aquifer samples show higher concentration of Fe2+, Mn2+ and As. Concentration of Fe2+ varies from 0.655 to 18.8 mg/L, and Mn2+ from trace to 0.868 mg/L during dry period. Hydrochemical analyses reveal significant seasonal variation in water quality of shallow aquifer. Both the shallow aquifer and the surface water of the study area are predominantly of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type, while the deep aquifer water is mainly of Na–K–Cl–SO4 type with slight inclination to Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. The study area is suitable for groundwater development if comprehensive and holistic approaches towards water resource management are taken into consideration.  相似文献   
Wang  Guanjin  Riaz  Amir  Balachandran  Balakumar 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(5):1205-1217
Acta Geotechnica - Dry granular materials have been the subject of many investigations, while wet granular materials, which widely exist in many real-world applications, have only received limited...  相似文献   
In this paper, the Planck absolute entropy and the Bekenstein–Smarr formula of the rotating Banados–Teitelboim–Zanelli (BTZ) black hole are presented via a complex thermodynamical system contributed by its inner and outer horizons. The redefined entropy approaches zero as the temperature of the rotating BTZ black hole tends to absolute zero, satisfying the Nernst formulation of a black hole. Hence, it can be regarded as the Planck absolute entropy of the rotating BTZ black hole.  相似文献   
作为一种较为特别的微生物碳酸盐岩类型,核形石以双重属性而著称:① 以不平滑的皮层和较大的大小而常常被解释为微生物成因,从而区别于而成因存在着较大争议的鲕粒,所以,核形石也可以作为一种包覆颗粒类型;② 作为微生物碳酸盐岩的一种类型而被归为相互不连接的球状叠层石,因为核形石形成在围绕着核心的序列式纹层化作用过程之中,并且表现为球形或椭球型的生物沉积构造。在山西繁峙茶坊子剖面寒武系苗岭统张夏组块状鲕粒滩相灰岩的顶部,密集发育着厘米级别大小的高能泥晶核形石,核形石灰岩的厚度接近1 m,从而组成一个块状鲕粒滩相灰岩之上特征性的核形石灰岩帽。该层厚度较小的(小于1 m)核形石灰岩中的核形石,具有以下特征:① 厘米级别的大小(1至3 cm);②球形或椭球形的形态学特征;③核形石皮层主导性的泥晶和少量的微亮晶构成;④核形石皮层中较高密度保存的丝状蓝细菌鞘化石;⑤核形石间特别的凝块基质,以及明显的丝状蓝细菌鞘化石构成的凝块。尽管穿越成岩作用过滤器去解释古代核形石复杂的形成机理将存在着巨大的挑战,也尽管形成这些核形石复杂的生物膜钙化作用机理还没有得到完全而且准确的了解,但是,山西省繁峙县茶坊子剖面张夏组顶部的核形石,壮观的宏观特征,核形石皮层中直接的微生物化石证据,尤其是在核形石内较为丰富的丝状蓝细菌鞘化石,使其成为一个了解光合作用生物膜建造核形石的典型实例,而且成为了解发育在高能鲕粒滩相灰岩之上最为特别的“藻坪”沉积的一个较为典型实例。  相似文献   
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